Fish oils aren’t a very sexy sounding supplement. Usually they come in the form of large capsules and some people get smelly burps after taking them. But don’t let that fishy taste put you off. Supplementing these essential fatty acids comes with more benefits than you can poke a stick at. This is especially the case for those who don’t eat much oily fish on a regular basis or anyone on a lower calorie diet. Read below to learn why fish oil supplements are a thing and whether you should include them in your daily routine.
Why Is Fish Oil Good For Me?
Fish oil naturally contains Omega-3 fatty acids (specifically DHA & EPA). Most people have heard of these but aren’t really sure why they matter. Basically, fatty acids (like the kinds found in fish oil) are essential nutrients that our body needs to function optimally. If we don’t get enough Omega-3, our brain, eyes, muscles, skin and heart won’t have the fuel to operate at full capacity. Unfortunately our bodies can’t produce these fatty acids endogenously. We must consume them through food or take supplements instead.
Can I Get Enough Through Diet?
As you probably would have guessed, fish oil comes from fish. You can get enough Omega-3s through diet but only if you’re eating the recommended 1-2 servings of oily fish per week. And yes, it must be oily fish. Snapper and cod might be delicious but they don’t contain enough fatty acids for you to hit your optimal intake. In order to get those precious Omega-3s, you should consume oily kinds like salmon or mackerel. Fun fact, farmed salmon actually contains more Omega-3s than fresh because they get fed on a more consistent basis. Unfortunately, not everyone likes fish or wants to eat it regularly. Some women avoid it when pregnant, others can’t afford it and those dieting might not want to spend a few hundred calories on unappetising foods like sardines. If this sounds like you, fish oil supplements might be a convenient and cost effective way to sneak those essential fatty acids into your diet.
What Benefits Will I Notice?
The benefits of fish oil supplementation are not only extensive, they are also backed by research. Population studies show that cultures who consume more Omega-3 in their diet have lower risk of declining brain function. Other intervention studies show that older people who supplement fish oil recover faster and maintain muscle strength better than those on a placebo. Basically, fish oil can improve the brain and the gains. This is because Omega-3s are responsible for numerous biological processes that occur throughout your body from top to toe. Ensuring you get the right amount will help you bounce back faster after a tough workout and still have some left over to enhance cognitive function. On top of this, fish oil supplementation can reduce joint stiffness, increase good cholesterol, lower your blood pressure and even improve the appearance of your skin. This is why Omega-3s are referred to as “essential” fatty acids. Without them, almost every facet of your health will be impacted in a negative way.
Any Side Effects?
Most healthy individuals can take daily fish oil capsules without any negative side effects whatsoever. Obviously if you have existing health conditions, consult your doctor first. Some supplements can potentially interfere with medication and it’s best to proceed with caution. For members of the general population, fish oil capsules are safe as houses and can be taken on a regular basis. As with any supplement, read the directions on the bottle first and follow them to a T. An ideal dose of DHA and EPA is anywhere between 1000-2000mg per serving. More than three grams a day could result in heartburn or diarrhoea so make sure you don’t go overboard. Two capsules of NZProtein fish oil contain a moderate 1600mg; essentially the perfect dose. We recommend taking them alongside food because doing so makes it significantly easier for your body to absorb.
If you care about your health (which you should), fish oils are a worthwhile investment. They are reasonably priced, easy to take and you’ll hopefully notice a plethora of benefits from supplementing them. Failing to hit your daily Omega-3 requirements is doing a massive disservice to your muscles, brain, heart and skin. Do yourself a favour and pay special attention to your intake of essential fatty acids. They’re called essential for a reason.
Written by Lauren Carruthers.