Most of us are aware that being active is beneficial but we still don’t move as much as we should. Sometimes the hardest part of exercise isn’t the physical activity itself but rather the mental effort of getting through a workout. We live in a society that makes sitting down and being lazy so easy to do. Getting fit requires us to fight our own environment. If you’re trying to be less sedentary but don’t particularly like exercising, read below. This article will give you a few ideas on how you can burn a few extra calories without having to put any thought into it.
Benefits Of Exercise
So why bother being active in the first place? Activities like Crossfit and running aren’t pleasurable in the short-term but they change our bodies for the better in so many ways. Regular physical activity helps you maintain a healthy body weight meaning you’ll find it easier to get around every day. Although it sounds superficial, everyone would prefer a toned physique over an untrained, overweight body that struggles to complete everyday tasks. Being active also releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Not only will you look better, you’ll feel better too. Those who exercise often are less likely to develop gnarly health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Regularly working up a sweat increases your chances of living a longer, higher quality life. Unfortunately many of us prioritise our short-term comfort over these long-term rewards. The good news is that you can acquire these benefits without making drastic changes. A few effortless activities sprinkled into your day is all you need to change your mental and physical health for the better.
Wear A Backpack
Lots of people use a weighted vest to challenge their bodies and boost fat loss. A heavy backpack is the next best thing. Studies show that carrying an external load around while you walk is an effective way to drop some extra body fat and increase the number of calories you burn in a day. Bodybuilders even use this technique to help them get leaner in the final weeks before their competition. If you want to increase your energy expenditure without scheduling a gym session, try carrying a heavy bag around everywhere you go. Not only will it rev up your metabolism, it’s great practice for anyone looking to join the police or go hiking in future.
Stretch While Watching TV
Binge watching the latest Netflix series isn’t too bad if you’re doing something productive at the same time. Stretching improves your flexibility and doesn’t require much mental effort at all. It can be done while you’re on the phone, listening to podcasts or catching up on the latest episode of NCIS. Feel free to include some props like foam rollers, massage balls or straps. These tools are especially useful if you suffer from tight muscles or lack mobility. In fact, you could even use a foam roller while reading the latest NZProtein blog! If you want muscles that are pliable, strong and healthy, don’t neglect the stretch. A few minutes of mobility while watching TV contributes to your total energy expenditure and you’ll feel so much better afterwards.
Standing Desk
Having an office job is no longer an excuse for being sedentary. Not only can you get a standing desk these days, some people even have walking pads or desk treadmills. Sitting down for hours at a time is associated with an increased obesity risk. You can easily combat this by reducing the amount of time spent sitting hunched over at your desk. Studies show that standing up can burn anywhere from 100-200 calories an hour depending on your age, weight and height. If you don’t feel like forking out for a proper standing desk, use a bit of Kiwi ingenuity and make one yourself. Stack some boxes on top of a regular desk until your computer is at eye level. Make sure you don’t lean to one side when standing as that can cause a pelvic tilt and affect your alignment. Not only will standing more often increase your daily calorie burn, it can reduce compression of your lower back and even improve your posture.
Bike To Work
Unfortunately this isn’t an option for everyone. But if you’re a bike owner with a short commute, you better make the most of it. Cycling to work is a great way to sneak movement into your day. Not only is it relatively low impact, you can do it while listening to music or alongside a friend. Studies show that those who bike to work are 52% less likely to die from heart disease. Cyclists also have a lower risk of developing cancer and better overall fitness than sedentary folk. If the health benefits of this exercise aren’t enough to convince you, what about all the money you’d save on gas? You’d be physically fitter and financially better off.
Always Take The Stairs
Escalators and lifts are designed to be efficient but in reality, they aren’t actually that quick. Most of the time they are overcrowded and you can get from A to B faster using your own two feet. The only reason we get on them is because our brains are hardwired to make us lazy and conserve energy every opportunity we get. On top of this, using a lift is considered a normal habit whereas taking the stairs is seen as unnecessary and uncomfortable. This normalisation of sedentary behaviour is one of the reasons obesity levels are so high in modern society. Fight your obesogenic environment and make it a rule that you will only ever take the stairs when given the choice. The first flight might leave you breathless but soon enough your desired behaviour will become your default behaviour.
Play With Pets
Animals are active little buggers. Not only do dogs need to be regularly walked but all kinds of animals enjoy a bit of playtime. It is often recommended that elderly people get pets for this very reason. Having an animal around forces you to be more active, lowers your blood pressure and can even lessen symptoms of depression. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, spend more time doing activities with it that involve movement. Play fetch, give it a bath or take it for a walk. It won’t feel like you’re exercising if you have a fluffy companion keeping you entertained.
If you think exercise sucks, you just haven’t found the right kind for you. Being physically active doesn’t mean you have to sign up at the nearest gym and push through gruelling, sweaty workouts. There are plenty of effortless ways to sprinkle more activity into your everyday routine. Try carrying a backpack around everywhere you go and swear to never use an escalator again. These small bursts of movement might seem insignificant at the time but they seriously add up in the long run.
Written by Lauren Carruthers.